This website is being redesigned. The content manager we were using has gone obsolete and is no longer working properly. A new website for this group should be up soon.

If you are looking for the time and place of the next gathering, the general information is as follows:

Our shoots are held at 1:00 pm on the third Sunday of each month at Philadelphia Training Academy, 831-833 Ellsworth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147. They have a very modern, well-equipped range plus a gun shop, well-stocked with almost every imaginable self-defense firearm.

You need to call 215-552-4544 to make a reservation to use their range, and you need to have your own firearm.

If you only wish to visit their shop, you also have to call to make a reservation to do so.

If you cannot find curbside parking nearby, I have been advised that there is a parking lot on the south side of Washington Ave. between 8th and 9th Street.

The range fee is $25/person. You will be charged extra for ammo and targets if you do not supply your own.

The chapter is operated by Tom Nelson. All inquiries should be made to him at You can subscribe to the chapter email list at or by emailing to

We apologize for the inconvenience of the website's current state. It will be fixed soon.